[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss AS7 Development] - Re: How to model the (optional) OSGi webconsole in AS7

Brian Stansberry do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Nov 24 12:24:21 EST 2010

Brian Stansberry [http://community.jboss.org/people/bstansberry%40jboss.com] created the discussion

"Re: How to model the (optional) OSGi webconsole in AS7"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/572839#572839

Good point.

There's an easy answer to that, which is that an installer is part of community AS and not part of the product. That's not very satisfying though. And I know Rich Sharples is interested in an installer-like capability, although in a  quick scan I didn't  that in any formal requirements doc. In the June discussions we had with Rich where we brainstormed a bit in that we didn't think about the QE implications though.

Another question is what does an installer really mean in terms of added QE and support burden.  It's basically a tool for configuring the AS. So is the shell and a text editor; i.e. users have always been able to alter the AS "profile" and make it run a configuration that's not part of our formal test plan. So an installer doesn't add anything new there. What does seem new:

1) If we make it completely trivial to run a particular profile (e.g. we ship a domain-messaging.xml with a nothing-but-messaging profile, or include in an installer a single checkbox to create such a canned profile) then users could expect that we've quite thoroughly QE'd that particular profile.

2) Users might expect that the installer would only allow valid, bootable combinations; i.e. if subsystem X requires subsystem Y and socket-binding A, then a profile can't be created that doesn't include X, Y and A. Confirming the installer enforces that would be a QE burden.

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