[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss AS7 Development] - Re: Data sources in EAR on AS7?

henk de boer do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Apr 12 11:08:53 EDT 2011

henk de boer [http://community.jboss.org/people/henk53] created the discussion

"Re: Data sources in EAR on AS7?"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/599574#599574

> Jesper Pedersen wrote:
> Put your datasource definition in standalone.xml or domain.xml. EAR deployment won't be supported.

I'm very sorry to hear this. Any rationale? Is there a technical reason for this?

We very much depend on this functionality. Our EARs are structured such that they embed all the data sources for the X staging platforms that we deploy to. Based on an environment parameter that parameterizes jboss-app.xml, the right .xml file containing the right datasource is chosen when JBoss starts up.

This allows us to build fully contained EAR files that we can deploy to generic JBoss AS instances on every stage.

I know this is not the only way to do things, but I also know that quite a number of clients use this exact same setup. There are also multiple messages in the forum where people ask about this (and not only about data sources, but also about JMS queues, etc).

Cutting this very useful feature out of JBoss would be nothing less than a major disaster for us and a number of our clients.

At any length you have to support data sources embedded in the EAR, because the Java EE 6 spec demands this. It will then be via the simpler Java EE 6 syntax for this, and not the richer JBoss syntax but still. Given that you already have to support the Java EE 6 version, it seems it would not be incredible hard to keep supporting the JBoss specific one, would it?

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