[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss AS7 Development] - EJB3/JPA 2.0 support for AS7

Ales Justin do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 6 06:28:24 EST 2011

Ales Justin [http://community.jboss.org/people/alesj] commented on the document

"EJB3/JPA 2.0 support for AS7"

To view all comments on this document, visit: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-16271#comment-5151

I would try to make sure using users Hibernate version is painless as possible.
e.g. clear split between interfaces used in AS code vs. impl;
* AS code would only use EntityManager(Factory), Session(Factory), ... in a jar with interfaces
* if users bundles his own version of (compatible) Hibernate, that impl would be used over those interfaces

And example of this usage is this demo/test we assebled together with Emmanuel:
*  https://github.com/alesj/hib-in-war/commit/a320e0a2bfe3e9cdf5524ea81da0ef34413ab46f https://github.com/alesj/hib-in-war/commit/a320e0a2bfe3e9cdf5524ea81da0ef34413ab46f

I would guess if the split is done right,
AS container could still manage users JPA usage,
while at the same time using his bundled Hibernate version.

With the current AS6 usage (in that demo/test), user has to manage JPA on its own.

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