[jboss-dev-forums] [IronJacamar Development] - Re: IronJacamar RHQ plugin development

Jesper Pedersen do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jan 25 09:40:46 EST 2011

Jesper Pedersen [http://community.jboss.org/people/jesper.pedersen] created the discussion

"Re: IronJacamar RHQ plugin development"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/583076#583076

> When DsXmlDeployer is used to deploy "*-ds.xml", it works after fixing the XMLStreamReader.getAttributeValue() issue mentioned in above comment, but there is no managed Connector registered to ManagementRepository. Should it be? if not, how to get the deployed datasources ?

Datasources are a special case, and are therefore not currently registered in the ManagementRepository. We will get to that later once the RHQ infrastructure is up and running.

Start with a standard resource adapter, f.ex. one that is generated by the code generator.

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