[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss AS7 Development] - AS7 Deployment Terms

Stan Silvert do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon May 16 16:06:31 EDT 2011

Stan Silvert [http://community.jboss.org/people/ssilvert] modified the document:

"AS7 Deployment Terms"

To view the document, visit: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-16804

AS7 adds a lot of new functionality to the world of deployments.  Consequently, there is a need to add new terms and define some old terms more strictly.  This document provides a means to define deployment-related terms and explain a bit about AS7 deployments along the way.

|| *Term
* || *Definition
* || *Notes
* ||
| deployment | The bits that make up an application.  A deployment consists of one or more content archives. | Examples are WAR, EAR, JAR, RAR |
| deploy | This is what happens when a deployment starts to initalize and become available for use.  Note that "deploy" is not something you do directly.  It is what happens when a deployment is ready to run. | Actions that might cause a deployment to deploy might be a server starting, or enabling a disabled deployment. |
| undeploy | This is what happens when a running deployment shuts down and executes its uninitialization process.  The deployment will then cease to respond to user requests. | Actions that might cause an undeploy would be to disable a deployment or remove a deployment. |
| redeploy | This is what happens when a running deployment does an undeploy followed by an immediate deploy. | Actions that might cause a redeploy would be to sucessively disable and enable a running deployment.  In some cases a redeploy would happen when the deployment's content bundle is updated. |
| content bundle / content archive / content | Sub-archives that make up a deployment are content archives.  The archives together may be referred to as a content bundle or just content. | For example, an EAR deployment might consist of a WAR, an ejb JAR, and a RAR.  Altogether, the EAR is a content bundle.  Each of its parts are content archives. |
| managed content | A content bundle that is uploaded to a standalone AS7 instance or an AS7 domain. | 
| content store | The place where managed content is kept and managed by a standalone AS7 instace or an AS7 domain | 
| upload | Copy a deployment's bits into the content store.  +Should the CLI change the name of the "deploy" command to "upload"?  Right now the console uses the term "upload".+ | Depending on the tool used and the options chosen, an upload may or may not cause the deployment to immediately deploy. |
| unmanaged content | Content that exists on a file system.  It can be referenced and deployed by AS7, but its bits are managed manually on a file system. | 
| exploded content | unmanaged content that is not in jar format.  Instead, it is "unzipped" onto a file system. | Any deployment or content bundle can be exploded onto a file system.  The root of the exploded content bundle should be a directory that mimics an archive file name such as /foo.ear/ or /bar.war/ |
| unexploded content | unmanaged content that is in a jar format.  It exists on the file system with a well-known extension such as .war, .ear, or .jar | 
| deployment name | The name of the deployment.  In an AS7 domain, this name must be unique across the entire domain.  The name must also be unique in a standalone server. | 
| runtime name | The EE application/module name.  This name must be unique in a standalone server.  In a domain, it must be unique within a server group. | +I think this needs some better explanation and a better definition.  For instance in the case of an EAR does it always correspond to a name in application.xml?
+ |
| enable | Enable a deployment to deploy.  If there are no errors, the deployment will complete its initialization process and make itself available as an application. | In the case of a domain, a deployment can be enabled or disabled for each individual server group. |
| disable | Stop a deployment from running.  The deployment will start its uninitialization process and stop taking user requests. | 
| assign | Assign a deployment to a server group. | 
| unassign | Unassign a deployment from a server group. | 
| remove | Make the deployment unknown to the standalone server or domain.  In the case of managed content, the content *will* be removed from the content store.  In the case of unmanaged content, the content *will not* be removed from the file system. | 

Comment by going to Community

Create a new document in JBoss AS7 Development at Community
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