[jboss-dev-forums] [jBPM Development] - Re: How to integrate a Web Application with JBPM?

Lingaiah Sundari do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jul 12 07:41:45 EDT 2012

Lingaiah Sundari [https://community.jboss.org/people/lingaiah.sundari] created the discussion

"Re: How to integrate a Web Application with JBPM?"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/747732#747732

I am also looking for the web application interaction  with jbpm and drools  - > any sample  web application  ( jsf, jpa, spring, hibernate , jsp or servlet .... ).

Please let me know the references to get into more details , I have tried but not succeeded to find out the references ...


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