[jboss-dev-forums] Community Updates, July 19 - July 26

JBoss Community STAGING do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jul 26 03:15:59 EDT 2012

Community Updates for July 19 - July 26

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Your Content
 * testing the new list server [https://community-stg.jboss.org/thread/127309]
     was viewed 13,100 times and replied to by 3 people
      * No Link to Jboss Nukes [https://community-stg.jboss.org/thread/90785]
     was viewed 110,740 times and replied to by 3 people

Your Connections - Activity by people you are following
    You don't have any connections yet. Find people and connect! [https://community-stg.jboss.org/people/]

Tips and tricks - Poll your Colleagues
Do you want to know what your colleagues think about something? Create a poll in the Group, Space, or Project you would like people to find the poll in. Once you post your question and the possible answers your poll will show up for other people to vote on. 
 Find out more.

Not interested in these emails anymore, or want to change how often they come? Update your email preferences by visiting: https://community-stg.jboss.org/user-notification-preferences!input.jspa
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