[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss AS 7 Development] - Server Instance Work directory

Bernd Eckenfels do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jul 31 10:19:40 EDT 2012

Bernd Eckenfels [https://community.jboss.org/people/b.eckenfels] created the discussion

"Server Instance Work directory"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/751242#751242


in domain mode (and standalone mode) the application servers are started in a way, that the base directory of the AS7 is the current working directory. This directory should not be writeable by a runtime user, and it is shared between multiple VMs. Some components (like some malconfigured libraries, native trace files) and even JVM diagnostics (hs_err files), dumps and even operating system (core)dumps are typically generated in this directory. (yes some of them can be configured to be generated somewhere else, on the other hand it would be good to have a sane default for that directory).

This is for 3 reasons a problem:

- no write permissions for runtime user (hopefully)
- shared between multiple vm instances
- not in a directory intended for modifications and high data volumes
- hard to find diagnostic files for a specific server instance

For this reason I see 3 possible methods, personally I typically use the first one:

a) start the application server instance with the server-specific log directory as current directory
b) start the application server instance with the server-specific data (or temp) directory as current directory
c) invent a new instance specific main directory

Using the log directory is most often the most sensible way, as it is sized to hold all kind of dumps+ diagnostics.

What do you think? In my case it is less imporatent for PC and HC, on the other hand it would not hurt to use the respective log firectories for those as well.

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