[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss Web Services Development] - Re: Unable to publish Apache CXF STS issue in EAP 6.1

Alessio Soldano do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jul 12 11:35:34 EDT 2013

Alessio Soldano [https://community.jboss.org/people/asoldano] created the discussion

"Re: Unable to publish Apache CXF STS issue in EAP 6.1"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/827783#827783

You already pasted the deployment info ;-)

Anyway, if you commented out the webservices subsystem, that explains the problem. There's no way you can use the STS as described in JBossWS documentation if you comment out / disable the JBossWS integration (webservices module).
Removing the webservices subsystem prevents JAXWS endpoinst from being deployed, unless e.g you use any specific deployment mechanism from CXF (CXF servlet declaration in web.xml).
Of course the webservices section of the management console is not available if the webservices subsystem is disabled (nothing to manage there, JBossWS is not even being loaded).

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