[JBoss-dev] jrmp invoker issue

Jaroslaw Kijanowski jaroslaw.kijanowski at jboss.com
Tue Aug 29 13:41:28 EDT 2006

  there's a test, org.jboss.test.pooled.test.BeanStressTestCase, which fails because StatelessSession isn't bound. The original testsuite/src/resources/pooled/META-INF/jboss.xml file looks like this:
But this isn't enough to bind StatelessSession (PooledStatelessSession is bound right). Exception is thrown. I looked in the 4_0_4 Branch on jboss.xml and I added these missing lines of code to jboss.xml:
 <!-- copied from jboss.xml in JBAS 4_0_4 -->
 <!-- end -->

But the test fails again, because I can't use "stateless-rmi-invoker", because it is no longer defined in server/src/etc/conf/default/standardjboss.xml in JBAS 5.0.0beta, why?
I've copied the following section from JBAS4_0_4 to JBAS5 and now the test works fine. But is this the right way? 
            <interceptor call-by-value="false">org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor</interceptor>
            <interceptor call-by-value="true">org.jboss.invocation.MarshallingInvokerInterceptor</interceptor>
            <interceptor call-by-value="false">org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor</interceptor>
            <interceptor call-by-value="true">org.jboss.invocation.MarshallingInvokerInterceptor</interceptor>


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