FW: [Fwd: Re: [JBoss-dev] jrmp invoker issue]

Scott M Stark scott.stark at jboss.org
Wed Aug 30 13:32:18 EDT 2006

An ejb container can have multiple invokers, only the container 
configuration has one default. All standard invokers should have an 
invoker-proxy-binding defined in the standardjboss.xml descriptor so 
that it can easily be used in deployment jboss.xml descriptors to add an 
invoker to a deployment container or change the default for a container 

Tom Elrod wrote:
> Not sure I understand your suggestion.  An ejb 2.x container can only 
> have *one* invoker specified (as only one can be used at any point in 
> time).  The standardjboss.xml is the file where which invoker to use 
> is specified.  Maybe you mean keep all three invokers declared (in the 
> jboss-service.xml) so that all three start up and are available for 
> use.  Then to change which one gets used can by simply changing which 
> one is referenced in the standardjboss.xml?

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