[jboss-dev] HOWTO work with a local copy of the repository

Thomas Diesler thomas.diesler at jboss.com
Tue Apr 10 06:21:51 EDT 2007


I used to maintain the definition of jboss.local.repository which
contains a subset of thirdparty modules needed to build jbossas. 

To have a local copy of the repository is necessary for everybody
wanting to test and install updates to thirdparty modules. i.e. I need
to able to do a clean build and sanity test run from my local repository
before I can commit my thirdparty changes.

With the migration to SVN this subset definition is lost. (see below)

Is there any way to resurect the notion of repository subset definition.
If not, it seems that everybody is forced to pull in GB of unwanted
repository content, like eclipse-sdk, etc


## JBoss thirdparty repository
# Checkout this module when you want to create a local repository 
# sufficient to build JBossAS
jboss.local.repository -d jboss.local.repository \
                            &_repo_antlr \
                            &_repo_apache-addressing \
                            &_repo_apache-ant \
                            &_repo_apache-avalon \
                            &_repo_apache-avalon-logkit \
                            &_repo_apache-bcel \
                            &_repo_apache-beanutils \
                            &_repo_apache-bsf \
                            &_repo_apache-codec \
                            &_repo_apache-collections \
                            &_repo_apache-digester \
                            &_repo_apache-discovery \
                            &_repo_apache-fileupload \
                            &_repo_apache-httpclient \
                            &_repo_apache-jaxme \
                            &_repo_apache-lang \
                            &_repo_apache-log4j \
                            &_repo_apache-logging \
                            &_repo_apache-modeler \
                            &_repo_apache-myfaces \
                            &_repo_apache-pool \
                            &_repo_apache-scout \
                            &_repo_apache-slide \
                            &_repo_apache-struts \
                            &_repo_apache-taglibs \
                            &_repo_apache-tomcat \
                            &_repo_apache-validator \
                            &_repo_apache-velocity \
                            &_repo_apache-vfs \
                            &_repo_apache-wss4j \
                            &_repo_apache-xalan \
                            &_repo_apache-xerces \
                            &_repo_apache-xmlsec \
                            &_repo_apache-xml-commons \
                            &_repo_asm \
                            &_repo_beanshell \
                            &_repo_cglib \
                            &_repo_codehaus-stax \
                            &_repo_commons-el \
                            &_repo_dom4j \
                            &_repo_easymock \
                            &_repo_ehcache \
                            &_repo_gjt-jpl-util \
                            &_repo_gnu-getopt \
                            &_repo_hibernate \
                            &_repo_hibernate-annotations \
                            &_repo_hibernate-entitymanager \
                            &_repo_hsqldb \
                            &_repo_ibm-wsdl4j \
                            &_repo_jacorb \
                            &_repo_javassist \
                            &_repo_jaxen \
                            &_repo_jboss \
                            &_repo_jbossas \
                            &_repo_jbpm \
                            &_repo_jbpm-bpel \
                            &_repo_jfreechart \
                            &_repo_jgroups \
                            &_repo_joesnmp \
                            &_repo_juddi \
                            &_repo_junit \
                            &_repo_junitejb \
                            &_repo_licenses \
                            &_repo_objectweb-joramtests \
                            &_repo_odmg \
                            &_repo_opensaml \
                            &_repo_oswego-concurrent \
                            &_repo_qdox \
                            &_repo_quartz \
                            &_repo_sleepycat \
                            &_repo_snmptrapappender \
                            &_repo_spring \
                            &_repo_stax-api \
                            &_repo_struts-test-case \
                            &_repo_sun-hudson \
                            &_repo_sun-jaf \
                            &_repo_sun-javacc \
                            &_repo_sun-javamail \
                            &_repo_sun-jaxb \
                            &_repo_sun-jaxp \
                            &_repo_sun-jmf \
                            &_repo_sun-jmx \
                            &_repo_sun-jsf \
                            &_repo_sun-jstl \
                            &_repo_sun-opends \
                            &_repo_sun-servlet \
                            &_repo_sun-xacml \
                            &_repo_trove \
                            &_repo_wscommons-policy \
                            &_repo_woodstox \
                            &_repo_wutka-dtdparser \
                            &_repo_xdoclet \
                            &_repo_xml-sax \

Thomas Diesler
Web Service Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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