[jboss-dev] JBoss AS CI in Hudson

Rajesh Rajasekaran rrajasek at redhat.com
Thu Aug 30 16:16:45 EDT 2007

JBoss Application Server continuous integration builds and test suite 
runs have been moved over to hudson from cruisecontrol.

The builds are accessible from http://hudson.jboss.org/
Click on the JBoss AS tab for the AS builds.
The runs on cruisecontrol will be disabled from tomorrow.

Build notifications will be sent to builds at lists.jboss.org
Please subscribe to the mailing list if you haven't.

Hudson provides a better continuous integration environment than 
cruisecontrol in a number of ways.
To name a few, the master/slave setup allows the execution of parallel 
builds to provide quicker feedback.
Employees will be able to schedule builds themselves, monitor build 
queues and be able to get instant status on the builds.

JBoss AS and other projects available on http://hudson.jboss.org/ are 
the first set of projects to be made public.
Hudson, as a project itself is in its maturing phase and as we have 
fixes and enhancements we will be making those available.
http://hudson.jboss.org/ is still in its early phase and as we get other 
JBoss projects migrated we will be continuously monitoring and enhancing 
the system
Please provide any feedback or improvements you would like to have in 
this continuous integration system.

Above said, the junit plugin in hudson does not support the 
JUnitResultFormatter test names used in the AS test suites for 
differentiating the test configurations.
Hence, in addition to the hudson reports, the original junit reports are 
made available under "Artifacts" till the junit plugin is enhanced.

Any feedback is appreciated.


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