[jboss-dev] My logging ultimatum

Rémy Maucherat remy.maucherat at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 12:45:30 EST 2007

On Dec 11, 2007 6:00 PM, David M. Lloyd <david.lloyd at redhat.com> wrote:
> * The JBossAS logging system must be changed such that BY DEFAULT log
> messages are all handled properly (in terms of category and level),
> regardless of the logging framework used (java.util.logging or log4j).
> No, relying on the System.out/System.err capture mechanism is NOT
> sufficient for this task.  This means that, as far as I can tell, we
> should always be installing a JUL LogManger on appserver startup.
> Frankly it really baffles and disappoints me that 4.0.x and 4.2.x didn't
> do this out of the box.

I have a LogManager that uses the context CL to find its configuration
and isolate logging:

It could be used as a starting point or for some ideas.


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