[jboss-dev] Further jbossAS 4.2 thirdpart component updates

Dimitris Andreadis dandread at redhat.com
Wed Feb 21 17:17:43 EST 2007

For practical reasons, i.e. to be able to have fully traceable thirdparty sources, that we 
can always recreate/build internally, we are thinking of updating the following components:

- HSQLDB to (from

- JavaCC to 4.0  (from 3.2)

- qdox to 1.5, or even 1.6  (from 1.4)

- Scout to 1.0  (from 0.7 rc2)

- XDoclet to 1.2.3  (from 1.2 b3)

- Commons Discovery to 0.4   (from 0.2)

- JFreeChart to  (from 0.9.20)
   this implies updating the included  jcommon to 0.9.7  (from 0.6.4)

- Jaxen to 1.1 ( from 1.1 b9)

plus (for different reasons)

- JacORB to 2.3 (from 2.2.4jboss.patch1)

If you see any issues with those upgrades, speak now!


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