[jboss-dev] JBASS-3993 report

Martin Vecera mvecera at redhat.com
Mon Mar 12 11:25:05 EDT 2007


I performed some changes in testsuite/build.xml in order to solve
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3993 issue.

I copied tests.classpath to tests.compile.classpath.
Then I added all jar files in ${jboss.dist}/client at the beginning of
tests.classpath are now being used to run the tests and
test.compile.classpath to compile them.

Some files under testsuite/imports/sections/ had to be changed as well
(see the file attached to JBAS).

Discussion to JBAS-3993 can be found here


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     | Martin Vecera
     | mvecera at redhat.com
     | JBoss QA, RedHat CZ
     | Purkynova 99
     | 612 45 Brno, Czech Rep.

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