[jboss-dev] Compatibility between common-core and broken up commons

Tim Fox tim.fox at jboss.com
Wed May 9 08:18:41 EDT 2007

Currently there doezn't seem to be any compatibility declared between 
the old commons-core and broken up commons (commons-logging etc).

It seems JBAS 4.2 uses common-core, but JB 5 uses the broken up commons.

So an application (e.g. JBM) which uses common-core (and has all other 
dependencies aligned with the AS) will work fine with AS 4.2, but won't 
be guaranteed to work with JB5, since there's no guarantee AFAIK that 
common-core and broken up commons are compatible.

At the moment AFAIK they are compatible - but isn't this a "hope for the 
best" compatibility. I.e. what's stopping someone from making an 
incompatible change to the broken up commons?

Shouldn't we be definining some kind of hard compatibility between the 
jars? Especially with the new RHEL style, highly tested platform 
releases where we need to be sure everything works nice with everything 

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