[jboss-dev] jboss 5 dependencies

Ales Justin ales.justin at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 08:26:56 EST 2007

> Purlease.... cut the sermon about the theoretical principles of 
> integration, no one asked that.

Eh, that's alway good to hear.
To get people annoyed and productive. ;-)

> We just asked where to get more information on your project.

More info on integration?
Does that exist? :-)

Since not a lot of things currently exist, you'll be pioneers on this 
stuff, which is not that bad.

> Adrian grudgingly provided that, that's all we need. Thanks :)

Google + annoyed Adrian. Nice.

> BTW Next time someone stops you in the street and asks you for 
> directions to the nearest station, and you use the same kind of 
> response.. be prepared to get a black eye :)

Used to that.
Math classes never helped with human resources. :-)

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