[jboss-dev] Obtain Transaction Manager in AS Trunk?

Adrian Brock abrock at redhat.com
Mon Nov 26 12:43:49 EST 2007

Wrong question. 

The correct question is what does jboss-transaction-spi
define as the mechanism to use to get the TM
from the underlying platform?

Answer: org.jboss.tm.TransactionManagerLocator

On Mon, 2007-11-26 at 11:10 -0600, Anil Saldhana wrote:
> With all the TM changes that has happened,  what is the right way to get 
> an instance of TM?
> org.jboss.transaction.TransactionManagerLocator.getInstance().locate()  ?
> Does the "java:/TransactionManager" JNDI binding still work to get hold 
> of the UT?

The user transaction is a totally different abstraction, but does
control a JTA transaction inside the transaction manager.

If you are talking about a portable mechanism to get the UT
then that only works in BMT JavaEE components and is
bound at "java:comp/UserTransaction"

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Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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