[jboss-dev] Keep your repoID when using snapshots...

Clebert Suconic csuconic at redhat.com
Tue Oct 16 11:07:55 EDT 2007

Well... the snapshots are a problem for sure.

For example, one of these days I wanted to come back 1 week on 
JBoss-head SVN, as I needed to validate when a bug was introduced.

I couldn't just svn update -r<the revision on that date> because the 
snapshots would break everything.

If we had the repo id on those snapshots, the problem would be at least 
minimized.. it would give me an option to recoup that week.

Ovidiu Feodorov wrote:
> I am using the concept of "r" release.
> So you have the big fanfare releases that have a named tag, and as many 
> "r" releases you want, where the release number *is* the tag. Works 
> pretty well, the system never got messed up.
> Clebert Suconic wrote:
>> One thing I'm aways doing when using snapshots on head, is to keep the 
>> SVN revision on the component-info as a comment.
>> This way case someone needs to make a quick change for a debug or 
>> something similar, they can use the exact same revision I used to 
>> create the snapshot:
>> Example:
>> http://repository.jboss.com/jboss/messaging/snapshot/component-info.xml
>> You will see:
>> <!-- update snapshot (JBM svn revision=3187) -->
>> It's something pretty simple but useful IMO.
>> Clebert
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