[jboss-dev] Release jboss-common-core 2.2.5.GA for JBCOMMON-48

Scott Stark sstark at redhat.com
Sun Apr 6 17:59:51 EDT 2008

I released a jboss-common-core 2.2.5.beta1 with the serialVersionUID 
changes, and also rolls back the logging spi to 
jboss:jboss-common-logging-spi since the org.jboss:* change was not ready.


Brian Stansberry wrote:
> Doh!  Yeah, that's a much better way to get the correct version ids.
> Scott Stark wrote:
>> Ok, that is a big problem.  I'll do a beta1 release and fix the 
>> serialVersionUID of these classes to the 4.2.2 version. I can get it 
>> by running the jdk serialver tool against the 4.2.2 
>> jboss-common-client.jar:
>> valkyrie:client starksm$ serialver -classpath jboss-common-client.jar 
>> org.jboss.net.sockets.RMIMultiSocketClient
>> org.jboss.net.sockets.RMIMultiSocketClient:    static final long 
>> serialVersionUID = -945837789475428529L;
>> Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>> I noticed last night a number of classes now have a 
>>> serialVersionUID=1, where previously none was specified.  I 
>>> therefore assume this change will break AS 4.x clients trying to 
>>> talk to AS 5.
>>> Perhaps you can release a 2.2.5.BetaCR1 and we can let the AS's 
>>> serialVersionUID compatibility test complain and tell us the old 
>>> id's. I suspect something like that was Adrian's plan.
>>> Classes with the same change:
>>> org/jboss/net/sockets/RMIMultiSocketClient
>>> org/jboss/util/LongCounter
>>> org/jboss/util/LongCounter.Wrapper + a bunch of anonymous classes 
>>> thereof
>>> org/jboss/util/Null
>>> org/jboss/util/UnexpectedThrowable
>>> org/jboss/util/NoSuchMethodException
>>> org/jboss/util/NestedError
>>> org/jboss/util/NullArgumentException
>>> org/jboss/util/UnreachableStatementException
>>> org/jboss/util/NestedSQLException
>>> org/jboss/util/deadlock/ApplicationDeadlockException
>>> org/jboss/util/NestedException
>>> org/jboss/util/property/PropertyException
>>> org/jboss/util/property/PropertyEvent
>>> org/jboss/util/property/PropertyContainer
>>> org/jboss/util/property/PropertyError
>>> org/jboss/util/platform/PID
>>> org/jboss/util/NestedRuntimeException
>>> org/jboss/util/collection/CollectionException
>>> org/jboss/util/collection/LazyList
>>> org/jboss/util/collection/LazyMap
>>> org/jboss/util/collection/SerializableEnumeration
>>> org/jboss/util/collection/ListSet
>>> org/jboss/util/collection/EmptyCollectionException
>>> org/jboss/util/collection/LazySet
>>> org/jboss/util/collection/FullCollectionException
>>> org/jboss/util/collection/CompoundKey
>>> org/jboss/util/StopWatch
>>> org/jboss/util/StopWatch.Wrapper + an anonymous subclass thereof
>>> org/jboss/util/state/IllegalTransitionException
>>> org/jboss/util/NotImplementedException
>>> org/jboss/util/EmptyStringException
>>> org/jboss/util/id/VMID
>>> org/jboss/util/HashCode
>>> org/jboss/util/Counter
>>> org/jboss/util/Counter.Wrapper + a bunch of anonymous subclasses 
>>> thereof
>>> org/jboss/util/xml/catalog/CatalogException
>>> org/jboss/util/threadpool/ThreadPoolStoppedException
>>> org/jboss/util/threadpool/TaskStoppedException
>>> org/jboss/util/threadpool/StartTimeoutException
>>> org/jboss/util/threadpool/ThreadPoolFullException
>>> Scott Stark wrote:
>>>> I want to release jboss-common-core 2.2.5.GA and update jbossas to 
>>>> use this to pickup the fix for:
>>>> http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCOMMON-48
>>>> Without this we can't use vfs* urls in systemIds passed to the 
>>>> JBossEntityResolver. An example of where this is needed was posted 
>>>> on the security design forum.
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