[jboss-dev] Re: repository artifacts in thirdparty

Paul Gier pgier at redhat.com
Tue Apr 8 09:58:22 EDT 2008

Hi Thomas,
The resources stuff in thirdparty is a temporary solution to handling the 
resources directories from the buildmagic repository.  I implemented a new 
feature to my plugin (http://labs.jboss.org/maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin) 
that will now find a resources directory (in a buildmagic component directory), 
put it into a jar, and deploy it to the maven repository with the artifactId 
"resources".  Then the build-thirdparty part of the plugin will download the 
resources artifact and extract it to the correct place in the thirdparty directory.

I'm updating the plugin site today with some more information about how to use this.

As far as deploying your releases to the maven repository, you have a few choices:

You can use the buildmagic thirdparty plugin to upload the buildmagic format of 
the release 

You can use the deploy-file goal of the standard maven deploy plugin to upload 
jar files with any associated poms 

Or you can use the maven ant tasks in an ant script 
(http://maven.apache.org/ant-tasks.html).  You will want to use the 
<artifact:deploy> task.

With any of these, just make sure you deploy to the correct location in the 
maven repository.  For non-mavenized projects you can just translate:
componentId --> groupId
lib/artifactId --> artifactId

Otherwise use something like "org.jboss.<project>" for the groupId.

Hope this helps!

Thomas Diesler wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I see you committed a number of artifacts to
> https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/trunk/thirdparty/src/main/resources/jboss/ 
> What is the rational behind that? Who is going to maintain these 
> artifacts and how do they relate to a given version in the maven 
> repository?
> Could you please explain how do you expect us to release artifacts to 
> the maven repository (including the the ones above)?
> cheers
> -thomas

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