[jboss-dev] Why Maven sucks (part 1)

Carlo de Wolf cdewolf at redhat.com
Tue Apr 22 07:44:26 EDT 2008

Rémy Maucherat wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 8:47 PM, Paul Gier <pgier at redhat.com> wrote:
>>  Just so it's clear what you are asking for, you want dependencies with
>> (-SNAPSHOT) to be replaced with the specific snapshot version
>> (-timstamp-build) during deployment?  I could probably add this as an option
>> to the deploy plugin, but I don't know if this would solve the problem.
> You do sound really fanboyish Paul, I am afraid ... Obviously, with
> enough scripting and development efforts, you could turn an Ant script
> into a proper dependency management system. However, the point of the
> tool is to provide a ready to use solution that fits our needs. Maven
> fails badly at that.

Why does it fail?
We now have a working ant script (because it's the same one as with 
buildmagic) and dependencies being resolved by Maven. I say the target 
has been achieved.

> Carlo forgot the non existent error reporting (or maybe that's for
> part 2). Do you have a solution for that too ?

Where does it not do proper error reporting?
For example I consider a NPE of an exception without any context bad 
error reporting.

> Personally, I would encourage Ovidiu to send a patch for his
> dependency system, and I'd do everything I can [assuming it does
> actually work, of course - realistically, as my influence is quite
> limited, that wouldn't be much, but it's a start ;) ] to get it
> included in AS 5 as a replacement for Maven.
> Rémy
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