[jboss-dev] MBeanConfigurator service in varia

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Thu Aug 14 13:15:59 EDT 2008

Thanks, that's a good improvement.

Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
> In this renamed MBeanConfiguratorSupport you can probably extend 
> org.jboss.system.ListenerServiceMBeanSupport to deal with the 
> notification stuff, and override handleNotifications2(..) to call back 
> on your mbeanRegistered()...
> Brian Stansberry wrote:
>> Adrian Brock wrote:
>>>> From the WIKI page:
>>> "Make sure you know what you are doing when you use this service, as
>>> should only be used in rare cases."
>>> My guess is Tom wrote it because something he had was exposing
>>> a port but it wasn't deployed through a -service.xml,
>>> i.e. it was doing registerMBean() directly and then the config
>>> was hardwired within the MBean?
>> Yes, that must be it.  Included in the package in varia is a 
>> "SampleService" class that does just that.
>>> It would certainly be wrong to apply service binding config
>>> at JMX registeration for -service.xml since the attributes
>>> aren't set until the later configuration stage
>>> and would therefore overwrite the SBM settings.
>>> Since this is a rare case, it doesn't seem worth
>>> having a generic solution. All you need is a simple
>>> example of how to use Dimitris's Listener MBean
>>> to respond to a jmx registration event by doing:
>>> Object value = serviceBindingManager.getXXXBinding(...);
>>> mbeanServer.setAttribute(objectName, attributeName, value);
>>> with the SBM injected.
>> Think I'll take the existing class, rename it 
>> MBeanConfiguratorSupport, add a property for the ServiceBindingManager 
>> and make the class abstract.  Take the old
>> public void mbeanRegistered(ObjectName objectName)
>>          throws ReflectionException, InstanceNotFoundException, 
>> MBeanException, MalformedObjectNameException
>> and make it abstract. People can extend it as they wish to make the 
>> desired serviceBindingManager.getXXXBinding(...) and 
>> mbeanServer.setAttribute(...) calls. The support class just handles 
>> the boilerplate NotificationListener stuff.
>> There's an existing example that can be reworked to show this.
>> That will take about 15 minutes to do.
>>> Or for a POJO, I guess it would be an AOP Constructor
>>> interceptor? Since the bean would not be managed by the MC.
>> I'll leave thinking about that as an exercise for the community. :-)
>>> On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 10:58 -0500, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>>> I found this service buried in the guts of varia:
>>>> http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/MbeanConfigurator
>>>> Basically listens for JMX notifications of bean registrations and 
>>>> calls the legacy ServiceBindingManager mbean. Which, due to my work 
>>>> on JBAS-5192 no longer exists; a new version exists that doesn't 
>>>> expose the functionality this MBeanConfigurator wants [1].
>>>> I can't see any point to this service; AFAICT all it does is use a 
>>>> listener to invoke the same operation that the regular mbean service 
>>>> deployment logic would have called anyway.
>>>> If anyone sees any point to this that I'm missing, please let me 
>>>> know. Otherwise I plan to get rid of it. To continue to support 
>>>> this, I'll have to repackage the new SBM implementation and restore 
>>>> the legacy SBM as an optional service that we don't include in any 
>>>> standard config. Waste of a day.
>>>> [1] http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/AS5ServiceBindingManager
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Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
brian.stansberry at redhat.com

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