[jboss-dev] Information on JBoss micro-projects and AS modules

Scott Stark sstark at redhat.com
Wed Dec 10 23:30:14 EST 2008

I updated the modules that were missing descriptions from those I put in 
the installation/getting started guide.

Brian Stansberry wrote:
> As discussed at 
> http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=146807 I've 
> created a wiki page intended to provide information about the many 
> "micro-projects" that we've created in the last couple years, 
> particularly during all the refactorings related to AS 5.
> https://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-13195
> I've seeded it with information about the JBoss Common and AS 
> Clustering projects. If you're knowledgeable about a particular 
> project, please chip in and add an entry for it. Or just send me the 
> intended usage info for the project and I can add it. The goal is to:
> 1) encourage code reuse by providing a quick reference as to what 
> libraries are already available that may solve a given problem.
> 2) help engineers working on projects that consume some of these 
> projects to understand the design intent behind the project.
> I also created a page with information about the various modules that 
> make up the JBoss AS source tree. At this point this page isn't 
> particularly useful. Not all modules have explanatory info; just those 
> whose exact design intent I totally understood/could express or those 
> that seemed simple enough for me to guess. :-) The ones without 
> explanatory info are also the ones where some design explanation would 
> be most helpful; again please pitch in and add whatever you can.
> http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-13196
> Perhaps the thinking about the intent of these AS modules will prove 
> helpful in the refactorings that will eventually be needed for embedded.

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