[jboss-dev] JIRA housekeeping and component tracking

Dimitris Andreadis dandread at redhat.com
Fri Feb 29 08:10:54 EST 2008

Adrian Brock wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 17:04 +0200, Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>> I would also like to propose that we introduce a new JIRA type next to 'feature', 'bug', 
>> etc. called e.g. 'Component Upgrade' to mark those JIRA tasks. By doing so, the component 
>> upgrades:
> Making "Component Upgrade" a subtask makes sense for gather things,
> together under one issue, but it doesn't appear in the release notes.

Yes, the default release notes show only 'standard' top-level issue type, not subtasks.

There was also this other release notes report (a JIRA plugin), that is supposed to show all 
(or let you choose which ones) tasks & subtasks, but it is currently broken when you choose 
'All' (I've contacted the maintainer):


> I've created a top level issue type "Thirdparty Changes"
> such that you can more easily locate the changes in the release notes.
> e.g.
> http://jira.jboss.com/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310060&styleName=Html&version=12311604
> I guess people could just create individual tasks of 
> "Thirdparty Changes" as well. 
> Which some might prefer since it lists each change in the
> release notes directly (thus making them look more impressive :-)

I suppose, for simplicity we could get rid of the 'Component Updates' subtask, and just use 
the new 'Thirdparty Changes' one.

If someone wants to group those, he/she can create a task and link to the updates using 
ordinary 'incorporates' links, instead of subtasks.

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