[jboss-dev] AS5 startup time

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Fri Jul 4 20:23:26 EDT 2008

Transcript from a Random Guy regarding the startup time of 5.0.0.CR1 (his 
ear takes nearly 10 times longer to deploy in 5.0.0.CR1 compared to 4.2):

<robmv> has anyone noticed JBoss 5 is extremely slow deploying a big EAR?
<robmv> JBoss 4.2 start with our big EAR in 1.5 minutes. JBoss 5 7 minutes 
and counting
<robmv> does not appear to be memory related ([GC 
196991K->178224K(312472K), 0.0060150 secs])
<robmv> but because it is looking annotations (I think)
<robmv> 2008-07-04 17:56:27,400 DEBUG 
[org.jboss.deployment.AnnotatedClassFilter] (main) Incomplete class: 
org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xpath.saxon.XBeansIndependentContext, NCDFE: 
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/saxon/trans/IndependentContext
<robmv> that is the last line written on the debug log 
(org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xpath.saxon.XBeansIndependentContext is on my 
EAR/lin directory)
<robmv> EAR/lib*
<robmv> final time 11m:6s ohhhhhhh
<dmlloyd> is that 5.0.0.CR1?
<robmv> yes
<robmv> memory usage after startup finished: [GC 227524K->204726K(364624K), 
0.0403380 secs]


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