[jboss-dev] Oldest bug

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Thu Jul 10 14:18:54 EDT 2008

On 07/10/2008 10:54 AM, Adrian Brock wrote:
> The JMXConnectorUnitTestCase is the oldest bug in the JBoss5 testsuite.
> I don't think it has ever worked since Tom never finished his
> JSR160 implementation and it makes bad assumptions about how
> the JDK version (which we now use) does things.
> As I explain on the JIRA issue,
> http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-5691
> I think we should just remove the one remaining test
> since it is testing the JDK implementation not anything
> within JBoss.

You've got my vote, for what little it's worth.


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