[jboss-dev] jgroups version names
Dimitris Andreadis
dandread at redhat.com
Thu Mar 6 12:46:57 EST 2008
Those are 2 different things. (S)ervice (P)ack is a fix version for the GA release of a
"project". E.g. version 1.2.3.GA has a serious problem that you want to address by releasing
an 1.2.3.SP1 to the community. There is no regularity in those SP releases, and you'll
normally see only a few of them out there.
(C)umulative (P)atch release, is a patched version of a "product" (or library) offered to
our customers. The EAP platform releases periodically CPs including customer requested fixes
and security updates. This propagates down to individual projects included with the
platform, if there are bugs that need to be fixed there, e.g. jboss remoting might release a
2.2.2.GA_CP02 as part of EAP 4.2.0.GA_CP03
Trustin Lee wrote:
> You are right. I was confused. :)
> According to the Wiki page Dimitris mentioned [1], there's no _CP
> suffix. Is it deprecated by .SP suffix?
> [1] http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossProductVersioning
> 2008-03-06 (목), 09:17 -0500, Ian Springer 쓰시길:
>> Trustin,
>> You may be thinking of the cumulative patch versioning convention,
>> X.Y.Z.ABC_CPnn, e.g.: 4.0.5.GA_CP08
>> Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>>> No, it's, X.Y.Z.SP1, X.Y.Z.SP2, ...
>>> SP comes after GA alphabetically, so we are safe.
>>> Trustin Lee wrote:
>>>> I thought it was X.Y.Z.GA_SP1 and X.Y.Z.GA_SP2 according to the recent
>>>> discussion, no? I also find GA_SPn has a clearer meaning.
>>>> 2008-03-04 (화), 14:41 +0200, Dimitris Andreadis 쓰시길:
>>>>> I think the existing internal versioning scheme of jgroups is fine,
>>>>> I'm just asking for consistency when putting the binaries in the
>>>>> repositories, e.g.
>>>>> X.Y.Z.Beta1
>>>>> X.Y.Z.Beta2
>>>>> X.Y.Z.CR1
>>>>> X.Y.Z.CR2
>>>>> X.Y.Z.CR3
>>>>> X.Y.Z.CR4
>>>>> X.Y.Z.GA
>>>>> X.Y.Z.SP1
>>>>> X.Y.Z.SP2
>>>>> Bela Ban wrote:
>>>>>> Okay, well some releases are adhering to this standard... :-)
>>>>>> I didn't care much for this because it is stupid. Relying on
>>>>>> strings for version comparison is terrible, as we have to parse the
>>>>>> strings into component parts (numbers) anyway. Plus we end up with
>>>>>> kludges like changing RC1 to CR1 so alphabetical ordering still
>>>>>> works ...
>>>>>> A much better way, and that's what I thought we had adopted, is the
>>>>>> scheme suggested by Scott in
>>>>>> http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=77231.
>>>>>> This allows us to use shorts for major, minor and patch versions,
>>>>>> and comparisons become simple.
>>>>>> Note that we don't care about comparisons between 2.6.2.CR1 and
>>>>>> 2.6.2.GA, because the scheme suggested by Scott doesn't care about
>>>>>> the qualifier. These 2 versions are both the same the point of the
>>>>>> version number.
>>>>>> Having said that, if this cannot convince you, I can adhere to the
>>>>>> version numbering scheme, that's not an issue for me, as the
>>>>>> underlying version stays the same, it is just the strig that changes
>>>>>> Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>>>>>>> - You're missing some '.GA' suffixes (e.g. 2.5.2 in both repos,
>>>>>>> 2.6.2 maven only)
>>>>>>> - Some versions appear both with & without the '.GA' suffix (e.g.
>>>>>>> latest 2.6.2 in the legacy repo)
>>>>>>> - In some cases using '-' instead of '.' (e.g. 2.5.0-GA, maven repo)
>>>>>>> Am I missing something?
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