[jboss-dev] obtain server connection vs jboss-logging

Adrian Brock abrock at redhat.com
Tue Oct 14 09:16:27 EDT 2008


Are you a software developer or a clueless user?

If you raise a bug report explain how to reproduce the problem.

Bug reports are not there so you can delegate investigation
of your broken usage to other developers.
We're not going to play "20 questions" to try to understand
what the real problem is.

Don't "guess". Show what the problem really is.

"My only guess is that it is searching for the jboss-logging-log4j.jar
in some predefined locations and happens to find and load it under the

There is no such "discovery" mechanism, The jboss Logger class
in init()

* the system property
* the log4j plugin class
* null logger
all by looking at the TCL.

Create a reproducable testcase BEFORE you re-open the bug report.

My **GUESS** is that by the time you've reproduced the problem
with simpler code you'll understand what you are doing wrong.

One of your more recent posts suggested it was an ant classloader
problem (which is known to have issues). The usual fix is to 
"fork" the process so it uses the real JRE classloader
in a seperate jvm or some other workaround.

P.S. Issues with writing ant tasks or its classloading implementation
are not really a subject for the jboss-dev list or jboss bug reports.

On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 16:21 +0300, Aleksandar Kostadinov wrote:
> > Adrian Brock wrote, On 10/08/2008 02:51 PM (EEST):
> >> FIXES:
> >>
> >> * Remove jboss-logging-log4j.jar from the classpath
> >> which will then use the "NullLogger"
> I removed that but still see the same issue. I eventually removed the 
> jar itself and excluded jbossall-client.jar. To check I'm really not 
> having it somewhere
> Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader());
> Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass("org.jboss.logging.log4j.Log4jLoggerPlugin");
> It throws
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jboss.logging.log4j.Log4jLoggerPlugin
> My only guess is that it is searching for the jboss-logging-log4j.jar in 
> some predefined locations and happens to find and load it under the 
> hood. Anyways I filed https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBLOGGING-7
> Any help to workaround that issue will be appreciated!
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Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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