http-invoker WAS Re: [jboss-dev] Help fix the testsuite or we rollback to r79434

Galder Zamarreno galder.zamarreno at
Thu Oct 30 07:29:23 EDT 2008


Apologies for the delay, catching up on emails:.

Adrian Brock wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 10:02 -0700, Scott Stark wrote:
>> If we really want to remove the http-invoker.sar, then all of thoses 
>> tests need to be pulled into a separate test config, or a remoting based 
>> http invoker added in its place.

Scott, I can add remoting based http invoker tests, which is one of the 
things I wanted to do for 
How does this fit with the http-invoker.sar deprecation that you want to 
do? I've been able to get JNDI, EJB2 and EJB3s over HTTP with Remoting 
as per but to put it in AS 
5, naming/location of sar and other bits need to be agreed upon, shall I 
start a forum thread on this, or shall we wait for GA to be out?

FYI, messaging is still a problem until they sort out their servlet 
transport integration

> I used the http invoker in the web-profile tests (to deploy test
> applications and shutdown the server from the testsuite).
> This was because I want to test the server with no remote
> jndi/rmi/etc. Only port 8080 should be open.
> In practice, this is just a test configuration so it should just be
> a case of copying it from the legacy remoting examples in docs.

Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Maintenance Engineer
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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