[jboss-dev] Embedded Jopr snapshot included in the build!

Carlo de Wolf cdewolf at redhat.com
Thu Apr 16 09:21:23 EDT 2009

Jason T. Greene wrote:
> Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>> Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>> David M. Lloyd wrote:
>>>> On 04/15/2009 05:48 AM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>>>>> Looks good :)
>>>>> On a related note, I guess we could do something about the INFO 
>>>>> level logs that flood the console when the admin-console is being 
>>>>> deployed and accessed? Looking at what is being logged, it doesn't 
>>>>> look like they should be logged at INFO level:
>>>> The rules are:
>>>> - One-time, terse messages can be at INFO
>>>> - Per-deployment/lifecycle stuff can be no higher than DEBUG
>>>  From http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/LoggingStandards:
>>> # INFO - Use the INFO level priority for service life-cycle events 
>>> and other crucial related information.
>>> The most common user error on AS 5 is having your dependencies not 
>>> sorted out. So people will see that stuff being deployed, but not 
>>> being started. That's why EJB3s not only show deployment, but also 
>>> the start conditions at INFO level, it'll remain to be so.
>>> Carlo
>> The same could be said for mbeans and pojo services. Do you want to 
>> see all dependencies printed out in the console?
>> Send them to the server.log.
> I have to admit I like seeing service startup messages on the console 
> (it makes me feel like the as is doing something). Although maybe we 
> can reduce this to global services and deployment messages. Something 
> like:
> [INFO] Deployed foo.jar successfully (15 EJBS started)
But what if foo.jar contained 16 EJBs. :-P

How about:
[INFO] Deployed foo.jar successfully (15 EJBS started / 1 EJB(s) pending)
[INFO] Summary of pending deployments:

*** Contexts missing dependencies: Name -> Dependency{Required 
State:Actual State}

 -> interface 
org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.deployers.EndpointResolver{Configured:** NOT 
FOUND interface org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.deployers.EndpointResolver 
(NOTE: using autowiring to resolve this dependency) **}

(I've edited the message to be a little less shouty ;-) )

That would solve my use case.


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