[jboss-dev] [JBoss-dev] exception handling richfaces

hrbaer anmeldung.forum at gmx.net
Tue Aug 4 07:12:05 EDT 2009

Hi everybody,

I already startet a thread in the general J2EE part of this forum, but I
think this would be the better place to discuss my problem.

So just a short description what I'm handling with:
I don't know how to handle Exceptions thrown during the buisiness layer (or
maybe because of a wrong hibernate mapping). So right know I'm throwing a
NullPointerException from a method in a service class.

On possibility (but no elegant one) is to surround every method in every
managed bean to catch those exceptions and handle it somehow.
But what I'm looking for is a possibility to declare only one
ExceptionHandler. I already searched for some extensions for my deployment
descriptor but found nothing.
Then I thougt I could extend my Servlet Mapping but this class is final.
Last but not least I added my own phase tracker and tryed to catch every
Exception during the afterPhase of the INVOKE_ALLICATION (Phase 5). In fact
I reach this method but the catch block don't get invoked :(

Does somebody has an idea to handle this issue?
Thanks in advance!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/exception-handling-richfaces-tp24804003p24804003.html
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