[jboss-dev] Code Differences between AS trunk and 6.0.0.M1 tag

Ales Justin ales.justin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 17:08:59 EST 2009

Spring-int is now a separate project:
* http://jboss.org/snowdrop

Brian Stansberry wrote:
>  From comparing the component-matrix/pom.xml files, looks like there's a 
> fair amount of stuff to port from the JBoss_6_0_0_M1 tag to trunk. 
> Getting that done seems like a high priority. Diffing the tag to trunk 
> is a pain because trunk has moved toward a maven structure (e.g. 
> src/main/java/org/jboss instead of src/main/org/jboss). As an early 
> holiday gift to you all I went ahead and did a diff of src/main/java for 
> each of the modules in the AS source tree. Attached them to a wiki page.[1]
> I encourage folks to have a look. I was quite anal about porting 
> everything I did between Branch_5_x and trunk before closing any JIRA, 
> but looking at these diffs I found a couple small things I need to fix 
> in trunk.
> [1] http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-14457

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