[jboss-dev] Different Boottimes from pruning

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Wed Dec 16 20:01:02 EST 2009

Ok, I did some performance analisys without a profiler or knowledge of 
the codebase.

default/ profile: 33s

Next I removed everything in deploy.  I also had to remove 
jbossweb.deployer, weld.deployer to get things to run:

2nd profile: 18.65 seconds

Now, an interesting thing.  I removed jbossws.deployer.

No jbossws.deployer: 12.22 seconds.

So, wow!  jbossws.deployer is taking 6 seconds to deploy!

But why?  I took a wild guess and maybe it was classloading, jar 
indexing, or scanning because jbossws.deployer is around 3megs and 
dwarfs other .deployers in deployers/ directory.  So, I combined the 
seam jar with jacorb.  No significant startup time.  This leads me to 
believe this isn't a VFS problem.

So, maybe its jbossws?  Well, I look at the beans created, and they 
really aren't doing anything significant.  BUT there is a SHIT LOAD of 
beans being deployed.

This leads me to believe this is something fundamental with MC.


You probably already know this.


Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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