[jboss-dev] Include Web Beans RI in next JBoss 5 release

Rémy Maucherat remy.maucherat at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 10:27:23 EST 2009

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:20 PM, David M. Lloyd <david.lloyd at redhat.com> wrote:
> Yes: 5.0.x is a stable branch and should only get bug fixes.
> By all means, integrate it into 5.1.  But if it were me running the project,
> I'd say, make sure that when it does get into the 5.x branch that it is
> stable (a GA release), as merging snapshots and betas and CRs at this stage
> will serve only to delay the release which is supposed to be on a fixed
> schedule now.
> The point of my email really has nothing to do with Web Beans - I don't
> really know the status at all.  I was just trying to get Dimitris to be more
> assertive - he just seems so darn apologetic and polite all the time. :-)
> I would take it even a step farther and say that Dimitris should have a
> fixed window during which people are allowed to merge new features into the
> 5.x branch (which should be on a public calendar somewhere), to give plenty
> of time to get the release stable before doing the release.  But I guess
> he'll only put up with me telling him how to do his job for so long before
> telling me to get bent :)


I have a problem with the "power trip" argument too, which is a personal attack.


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