[jboss-dev] Improving scanning performance

Ales Justin ales.justin at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 08:50:05 EDT 2009

> What are the defaults for an empty jboss-scanning.xml?

No scanning. ;-)

> Ales Justin wrote:
>>> Yes, with jboss-scanning.xml which has the following contents.  I 
>>> ended up putting a copy of this file in almost every 
>>> juddi-service.sar folder but still see trace messages during boot, 
>>> indicating that juddi.jar classes are being scanned for annotation.  
>>> The trick of including "noop" seems to work at the moment (intention 
>>> is to exclude scanning of all classes in juddi.jar).
>>> <scanning xmlns="urn:jboss:scanning:1.0">
>>>  <path name="juddi.jar">
>>>    <include name="noop"/>
>>>  </path>
>>>  <path name="juddi-saaj.jar">
>>>    <include name="noop"/>
>>>  </path>
>>>  <path name="juddi-service.jar">
>>>    <include name="noop"/>
>>>  </path>
>>>  <path name="scout.jar">
>>>    <include name="noop"/>
>>>  </path>
>>>  <path name="juddi-service.sar/juddi.war/WEB-INF/classes">
>>>    <include name="noop"/>
>>>  </path>
>>> </scanning>
>>> The important target to exclude above is "juddi.jar" as it contains 
>>> the classes that we seem to scan for annotations about 400 times 
>>> (only when starting the "all" profile).
>> You could simply have just a single noop path.
>>>>> Do we need to juddi-service.sar to 
>>>>> server/target/etc/deployers/metadata-deployer-jboss-beans.xml?  
>>>>> Other service archives are listed there but not the UDDI service 
>>>>> (only include in the AS/server/all profile).
>>>> Sure, as I doubt it uses any of the EJB3 annotations to describe its 
>>>> services.
>>>> I didn't update that list for a while now.
>>>> I can check if you still have issues, just let me know.
>>> Is there anything special that we have to do in the AS to enable 
>>> jboss-scanning.xml to prevent annotation scanning in a service 
>>> archive like "deploy/juddi-service.sar"?
>> No.
>> Why?
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