[jboss-dev] Improving scanning performance

Scott Marlow smarlow at redhat.com
Tue Jun 16 15:14:08 EDT 2009

> Here are the contents of my currently hacked juddi-service.sar tree.  
> I do have jboss-scanning.xml in the juddi-service.sar/META-INF folder:
> |-- META-INF
> |   |-- MANIFEST.MF
> |   |-- ddl
> |   |   |-- juddi_create_db.ddl
> |   |   |-- juddi_data.ddl
> |   |   `-- juddi_drop_db.ddl
> |   |-- jboss-scanning.xml
> |   `-- jboss-service.xml
> |-- jboss-scanning.xml
> |-- juddi-saaj.jar
> |-- juddi-service.jar
> |-- juddi.jar
I needed to add the jboss-scanning.xml to juddi-saaj.jar, 
juddi-service.jar, juddi.jar, scout.jar (META-INF folder), 
jboss-scanning is working against uddi for me now.

I'm moving forward with hacking the other deployments in all and will 
then create a Jira with the changes that seem to be needed.
> |-- juddi.war
> |   |-- WEB-INF
> |   |   |-- classes
> |   |   |   `-- org
> |   |   |       `-- jboss
> |   |   |           `-- jaxr
> |   |   |               `-- juddi
> |   |   |                   `-- JUDDIServlet.class
> |   |   |-- jboss-scanning.xml
> |   |   |-- jboss-web.xml
> |   |   |-- juddi.properties
> |   |   `-- web.xml
> |   |-- index.html
> |   `-- styles.css
> `-- scout.jar

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