[jboss-dev] Re: Failing BindingServiceUnitTestCase

Scott Stark sstark at redhat.com
Sat Mar 7 01:01:34 EST 2009

The Ejb3JBoss5Deployment mbean that is being registered by the 
jboss.j2ee jsr77 layer has overriden the ServiceMBeanSupport.start and 
does not invoke it, so its state is not being updated properly. Its an 
issue, but should not be failing the test. I added an check for 
service=EJB3 mbeans and ignore them.

Brian Stansberry wrote:
> The latest 5.1 testsuite run showed a couple regressions in the 
> BindingServiceUnitTestCase. [1]  When I run this locally the test.log 
> shows this:
> 2009-03-06 16:22:06,157 ERROR 
> [org.jboss.test.binding.BindingServiceUnitTestCase] 
> jboss.j2ee:service=EJB3,ear=profileservice-secured.jar,jar=profileservice-secured.jar 
> is not Started, state=Registered
> So, looks related to your r85382 "JBAS-6137, add secured facades for 
> ProfileService".
> The test cycles through the deployed services and confirms that they 
> are in "Started" state, so that deployment in "Registered" causes the 
> test to fail. If that deployment is meant to end up just "Registered" 
> then this could just be a matter of updating the test to ignore it.
> Starting the server manually, it starts OK, i.e. that service ending 
> up "Registered" doesn't lead to errors in the console log.
> [1] 
> http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/JBoss-AS-5.1.x-testSuite-sun15/111/testReport/org.jboss.test.binding/BindingServiceUnitTestCase(binding-manager)/ 

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