[jboss-dev] Fresh 1.0.0.Alpha1 - CLI for JBossAS

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Fri May 15 08:54:42 EDT 2009

Note of clarification:



is not talking about a CLI implementation, but what that references is the ability to manage any resource that HAS a CLI (and by CLI, I mean a standalone executable that you can run to either monitor or control a resource - such as apachectl or any init.d boot script).

Just wanted to clarify that.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ales Justin" <ales.justin at gmail.com>
To: "JBoss.org development list" <jboss-development at lists.jboss.org>
Cc: "Tomaž Cerar" <cerar at parsek.com>, "Marko Strukelj" <strukelj at parsek.net>
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 8:22:12 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [jboss-dev] Fresh 1.0.0.Alpha1 - CLI for JBossAS

I'm proud to present the initial version of Fresh, CLI for JBossAS.

This is definitely not the only CLI developed under our roof,
but it brings a ton of interesting stuff developed by the people who 
donated it,
my friends from Parsek company, Tomaz Cerar and Marko Strukelj (yes, the 
one who's responsible for vfszip :-)).

This is the JIRA release issue, where you can learn more about it,
download the deployable artifact, ...
  - https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/FRESH-7

A simple user guide can be found here:
  - http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/Fresh-JBossShell-GettingStartedGuide

Any additional ideas can be published here:
  - http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/Freshfeatureideas

Basically the idea is to drop in the jboss-fresh.jar into deploy/
and then connect to it via ssh, port 2022.
Currently there is no user/pass, simply press Enter.

Fresh is installed On_Demand, only ssh server deamon is fully installed 
at the beginning,
the rest kicks in when you first connect (thanks Bela for the tip).

Marko and Tomaz already have plans to make this even better,
and I'll be there to help with some fancy MC tricks. :-)

Enjoy, any feedback is welcome.


ps: Note to Ian Springer (adminclient), I guess we could join this efforts?
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