[jboss-dev] Disabling Bean Validation JNDI binder deployer in 5.2 Beta

Pete Muir pete.muir at jboss.org
Fri Nov 6 06:50:20 EST 2009

FTR, we do support @Inject Validator validator in Branch_5_x, and we  
don't use JNDI, but access it from the deployment.

On 24 Oct 2009, at 10:22, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:

> +1
> esp since the real application use is through injection and we won't
> support that for this beta
> @Resource Validator validator; / @Inject Validator validator;
> On 23 oct. 09, at 22:31, Jason T. Greene wrote:
>> Ah, thats a good point. Ok, I'm fine with removing it for now.
>> Stan Silvert wrote:
>>> Either way is fine with me.
>>> Note that JSF Managed Beans will still use BV, so folks can try that
>>> out.  And non-JSF developers can still create their own BV Factory
>>> instead of having it injected from JNDI.  It just seems to make
>>> sense to
>>> go ahead and get rid of something that is going to go away next
>>> release.
>>> Stan
>>> Jason T. Greene wrote:
>>>> The big reason for this is to allow user deployments to do their  
>>>> own
>>>> validation, and they don't typically have access to the
>>>> DeploymentUnit.
>>>> Even though the location will change in the final version, doesn't
>>>> it
>>>> seem worth keeping, so that folks can try out BV?
>>>> If the bug isnt a simple fix, and it only affects ws dynamic
>>>> endpoints
>>>> then I don't see it as a beta release blocker.
>>>> Stan Silvert wrote:
>>>>> The simplest way to solve the issue below is to just disable the
>>>>> ValidatorFactoryJndiBinderDeployer.
>>>>> I've been thinking that using this deployer is probably the wrong
>>>>> way
>>>>> to go.  Originally, it was supposed to put a bean validator  
>>>>> factory
>>>>> into the deployment's java:comp context, as required by the JEE6
>>>>> spec.  But when this deployer runs, that context isn't available
>>>>> yet.  So the best it could do was to bind it to global JNDI and
>>>>> hope
>>>>> that some later code could bind it to the right place.  But that
>>>>> "later code" can just as easily get its reference from the
>>>>> DeploymentUnit.
>>>>> So right now it creates a global JNDI reference for each  
>>>>> deployment
>>>>> under BeanValidatorFactories/<deployment simple name>.  We know
>>>>> this
>>>>> is wrong and I don't think anyone is relying on the global JNDI
>>>>> To be clear, the ValidatorFactoryDeployer that puts the factory
>>>>> into
>>>>> the DeploymentUnit will still do its job.  It's just that I want  
>>>>> to
>>>>> get rid of this failed attempt to satisfy the JNDI requirement.
>>>>> There are a couple of ways to actually satisfy it, and I expect
>>>>> to do
>>>>> this post-beta.
>>>>> Stan
>>>>> Richard Opalka (JIRA) wrote:
>>>>>>    [
>>>>>> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-7384?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel
>>>>>> ]
>>>>>> Richard Opalka reassigned JBAS-7384:
>>>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>>>   Assignee: Stan Silvert  (was: Ales Justin)
>>>>>> Reassigning to Stan (he's repsonsible for BV code)
>>>>>>> org.jboss.test.webservice.endpoint.EndpointTestCase fails  
>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>> of beanvalidation deployer
>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>               Key: JBAS-7384
>>>>>>>               URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-7384
>>>>>>>           Project: JBoss Application Server
>>>>>>>        Issue Type: Sub-task
>>>>>>>    Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)          Components:
>>>>>>> Web Services
>>>>>>>          Reporter: Shelly McGowan
>>>>>>>          Assignee: Stan Silvert
>>>>>>>           Fix For: JBossAS-5.2.0.Beta1
>>>>>>> These newly added tests are failing.  Filing to track.
>>>>>>> testWSDLAccess:
>>>>>>> javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR:
>>>>>>> Unable to resolve imported document at
>>>>>>> &apos;http://localhost:8080/jaxws-endpoint?wsdl&apos;.:
>>>>>>> java.io.FileNotFoundException: This file was not found:
>>>>>>> http://localhost:8080/jaxws-endpoint?wsdl
>>>>>>> testClientAccess:
>>>>>>> javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: java.io.IOException: Could not
>>>>>>> transmit message
>>>>>>> Caused by: org.jboss.ws.WSException: Invalid HTTP server  
>>>>>>> response
>>>>>>> [404] - Not Found
>>>>>>> testServletAccess:
>>>>>>> java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for
>>>>>>> URL: http://localhost:8080/jaxws-endpoint-servlet?param=hello-world
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>> -- 
>> Jason T. Greene
>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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