[jboss-dev] AS testsuite - Adding an "excludes" patternset to run-junit target

Juraci Paixao Krohling jcosta at redhat.com
Thu Feb 11 05:58:26 EST 2010


As this may affect you, I'm wondering if you see any problems in adding 
an "excludes" patternset to the run-junit macro, in 
testsuite/imports/server-config.xml (around line 1535, based on branch 
EWP_5_0 code, which will be probably backported to JBPAPP_5_0 branch and 

It should have minimum effect to the existing tests, as most of the 
callers of the macro "run-junit" aren't using tests currently listed in 

My motivation behind this change is that some components were removed 
from EWP, causing other a lot of tests to fail. So, the testsuite will 
be adjusted to add tests to "badtest.excludes" if it detects it's 
running against EWP.

It shouldn't wrongly affect any test, as my understanding is that those 
"final" patternsets should incorporate the badtest.excludes, but a lot 
of the ones which calls the macro "run-junit" doesn't includes that.

If you see any problem with that, please let me know.

- Juca.

Index: imports/server-config.xml
--- imports/server-config.xml    (revision 99596)
+++ imports/server-config.xml    (working copy)
@@ -1533,6 +1533,7 @@

                 <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
                    <patternset refid="@{junit.patternset}"/>
+                  <patternset refid="badtest.excludes"/>

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