[jboss-dev] M2 Boot time

Dimitris Andreadis dandread at redhat.com
Thu Feb 11 11:53:01 EST 2010

I think for M2 we are good to go, whether you apply the lame hack or not. As long as the 
boot with the delayed admin-console doesn't suck too much, we should be ok.

Brian Stansberry wrote:
> On 02/11/2010 10:24 AM, Rémy Maucherat wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Brian Stansberry
>> <brian.stansberry at redhat.com>  wrote:
>>> Is some kind of blunt filtering mechanism useful? A la what we do with
>>> JBossCustomDeployDUFilter and GenScanDeployer beans in
>>> metadata-deployer-jboss-beans.xml.
>> I heard there was something, but I don't know it. And it's not
>> metadata-complete (it will only disable select Servlet 3.0
>> annotations).
>>> (Unverified assumption: WARAnnotationMetaDataDeployer doesn't need to
>>> process admin-console.war)
>> Most likely it does not.
>> But it's pretty much pointless, we use a nasty SCI from JSF (which
>> would also need a flag to avoid scanning the war).
>> So I think we might be needing a number of flags added to
>> jboss-web.xml (disable-annotations - if needed - and
>> disable-handlestypes), but I'd argue we should target that for M3. M2
>> boots pretty fast so we have an improvement already for the most
>> visible item.
> As a quick way to experiment, I changed deploy() for 
> WARAnnotationMetaDataDeployer and ServletContainerInitializerDeployer to add
>        if ("admin-console.war".equals(unit.getSimpleName()))
>           return;
> That cut the boot time of "default" with on-demand disabled from 38s to 
> 30s. I get 22s with on-demand enabled.
> I agree that the M2 boot improvement is already enough. Only reason to 
> think about any 1) quick 2) simple 3) safe stuff for M2 is to cut the 
> time it takes to serve the first admin-console request, which for me is
> a) 12 secs before I get any response at all (i.e. deployment time)
> b) 5 secs looking at the "Redirecting to..." page until login screen 
> comes up (i.e. mostly ServletContextListener stuff)
> c) 5 secs to get response after submitting login form (console initially 
> processes managed objects)
> a) is the worst part since there's no feedback.
> Still, I'm quite OK with leaving this alone. TBH the only 1) quick 2) 
> simple 3) safe stuff for M2" is the hack above, which is pretty lame.

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