[jboss-dev] VFS3 Integration in JBoss AS Trunk

John Bailey jbailey at redhat.com
Fri Feb 26 16:07:48 EST 2010

As discusses previously, the VFS3 integration in JBoss AS is planned for for Monday, March 1st.  At this point we have all the dependent projects released with the necessary VFS3 changes integrated.  So we should be all set to start the integration on Monday.

There will be a lot of changes to merge in, so I ask that all commits to AS trunk be suspended durning the integration.  So if you could please have all outstanding changes committed by 4PM UTC on Monday.  The goal is to have changes to the trunk suspended no more than 48 hours.  I will send out a notice as soon as it is available, which hopefully will be earlier than planned.  

Also, I have created a job on the hudson server to run the AS testsuite against the VFS3 integration branch.  There are currently around 30 test failures.  I will get the job results published to the hudson.jboss.org site so all can see the failures.  I have identified the root cause of several of the failures, but I would appreciate it if everyone can take a look and see if anything jumps out. 

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

  John Bailey
  JBoss by Red Hat

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