[jboss-dev] WarAnnotationMetaDataDeployer and AOP failures
Kabir Khan
kabir.khan at jboss.com
Wed Jan 27 11:16:22 EST 2010
When modifying tomcat/src/resources/war-deployers-jboss-beans.xml I noticed that there was loads of use of relative order in the existing deployers there
On 27 Jan 2010, at 15:50, Ales Justin wrote:
> Looking at the code, I don't see a reason why it cannot be at POST_PARSE.
> Another thing we can notice from this issue is that deployers ordering
> has changed -- it seems we (already) no longer use relative order for
> ordering.
> So, be alert on similar issues, as I've already found few things related
> to bad/insufficient info of inputs/outputs in deployers.
> (the alt-dd issue was a result of this)
> Ales Justin wrote:
>> Why does AOPAnnotationMetaDataParserDeployer have to be at PARSE stage?
>> Kabir Khan wrote:
>>> On 27 Jan 2010, at 14:26, Ales Justin wrote:
>>>>> I think I found out why this is happening.
>>>>> When AOPXMLMetaDataParserDeployer (SchemaResolverDeployer) is
>>>>> triggered to process the .aop unit, there is already a metadata
>>>>> previously created for the annotated binding. Take a look at the
>>>>> beginning of method AbstractParsingDeployerWithOutput.createMetaData:
>>>>> protected void createMetaData(DeploymentUnit unit, Set<String>
>>>>> names, String suffix, String key) throws DeploymentException
>>>>> {
>>>>> // First see whether it already exists
>>>>> T result = getMetaData(unit, key);
>>>>> if (result != null && allowsReparse() == false)
>>>>> return;
>>>>> // Create it
>>>>> ....
>>>>> So, result is not null (it contains the annotated binding) and
>>>>> allowsReparse returns false, thus preventing the deployer from
>>>>> finding META-INF/aop.xml.
>>>> Where does the previous metadata come from?
>>>> (OK, annotation binding, but where is this annotation binding?)
>>> The annotations are in classes in the .aop archive. They are parsed by
>>> AOPAnnotationMetaDataParserDeployer which should come after the
>>> SchemaResolverDeployer
>>> public class AOPAnnotationMetaDataParserDeployer extends AbstractDeployer
>>> {
>>> public AOPAnnotationMetaDataParserDeployer(int xmlParserOrder)
>>> {
>>> super.setOutput(AOPDeployment.class);
>>> super.setStage(DeploymentStages.PARSE);
>>> //Make this come after the AOPXMLMetaDataParserDeployer
>>> super.setRelativeOrder(xmlParserOrder + 1);
>>> }
>>> public void deploy(DeploymentUnit unit) throws DeploymentException
>>> {
>>> ....
>>> AOPDeployment deployment = unit.getAttachment(AOPDeployment.class);
>>> if (factories != null && factories.size() > 0)
>>> {
>>> if (deployment == null)
>>> {
>>> deployment = new AOPDeployment();
>>> unit.addAttachment(AOPDeployment.class.getName(),
>>> deployment, AOPDeployment.class);
>>> }
>>> ...
>>> } }
>>> deployers.xml
>>> <bean name="AOPXMLMetaDataParserDeployer"
>>> class="org.jboss.deployers.vfs.spi.deployer.SchemaResolverDeployer">
>>> <constructor>
>>> <parameter>org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.beans.metadata.AOPDeployment</parameter>
>>> </constructor>
>>> <property name="suffix">-aop.xml</property>
>>> </bean>
>>> <bean name="AOPAnnotationMetaDataParserDeployer"
>>> class="org.jboss.aop.asintegration.jboss5.AOPAnnotationMetaDataParserDeployer">
>>> <constructor>
>>> <parameter><inject bean="AOPXMLMetaDataParserDeployer"
>>> property="relativeOrder"/></parameter>
>>> </constructor>
>>> </bean>
>>>> Either this deployer kicks in at the wrong stage,
>>>> or you're didn't consider any metadata merging.
>>>>> I compared this with the behavior of deploying aop-scopedear1.aop.
>>>>> This file contains no aspect annotations and, hence,
>>>>> AOPXMLMetaDataParserDeployer gets a null result at the beginning of
>>>>> createMetaData and is able to find META-INF/jboss-aop.xml file.
>>>>> We are not seeing the same failure for aop-scoped2 because the
>>>>> aop.xml file is outside META-INF and, for what I saw during
>>>>> debugging, this is treated as a child unit. So there is no searching
>>>>> for META-INF/jboss-aop.xml involved.
>>>> Yes, xml/config files outside metadata locations (META-INF, ...) are
>>>> treated as subdeployments.
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