[jboss-dev] Startup issues with testsuite's jacc-securitymgr config

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Sat Jan 30 02:19:14 EST 2010


What a beast to track down. :)

I'm seeing ClassCircularityError java.lang.Math

Stack trace attached.

The failure happens during deployment of some of the logging stuff. I've 
tried all sorts of ways to modify 
org.jboss.bootstrap.impl.base.server.AbstractServer$StartServerTask.run() to 
catch the throwable and output a stack trace somewhere, but any attempt 
to do any writing (even just to a StringWriter) leads to an exception. 
Which may explain why there's no logging of this anywhere.

To see what I'm seeing, edit testsuite/server-config.xml's jpda.cmdline 
property to set up debugging of the AS the testsuite launches. Set up an 
exception breakpoint in your IDE for ClassCircularityError. Then run the 
tests-jacc-securitymgr target.

If you modify AbstractServer$StartServerTask.run() so the catch 
statement catches Throwable instead of Exception, you can put a break 
point in the catch block and see it that way as well.

If you can't figure out a fix quickly, please revert to jboss-cl 2.0.8.

On 01/29/2010 06:17 PM, Ales Justin wrote:
> Can you point to the CL problem?
> If it's "fixable" in decent time, I might have a crack at it over the
> weekend.
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 12:20 AM, Brian Stansberry
> <brian.stansberry at redhat.com <mailto:brian.stansberry at redhat.com>> wrote:
>     My last statement was incorrect; it's the jboss-cl upgrade that leads to
>     this problem. The move of kernel to 2.2.0.Alpha3 by itself doesn't lead
>     to the problem.
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Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss by Red Hat
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