[jboss-dev] Do all the deployers scan the same service classes ?

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Fri Jul 16 11:11:28 EDT 2010

In JBoss AS, annotation scanning is done within a common annotation 
scanning service.  Take a look at the code under resteasy-int in the 
jbossas project to see how its done.

I'm not sure if our scanning framework uses reflection or Javassist.  If 
it uses reflection, I could see CFE errors happening.

Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi,
>>> I'm wondering, does every JBossAS deployer does scan the endpoint ?
>> Endpoint, as in WS endpoint?
>> More likely you mean endpoind == deployment (which also includes
>> subdeployments)?
> Sorry, my terminology was wrong. What happened was that I deployed a war into JBossHome/server/default/deploy
> and it failed with the expected ClassNotFoundException (due to one of the dependencies required by that war still missing),
> and I just got surprised the failure came from the RestEasy (possibly JBoss Integration related) code doing the annotations scanning 
>>> Or is there some shared deployer which scans an endpoints for all
>> the annotations and creates some per-endpoint annotations pools, and
>> then concrete deployers check the annotations pools only ?
>> Every deployer checks every depoyment (and subdeployment, ...).
>> But the idea is to short circuit asap if the deployment is not
>> relevant to the deployer.
>> Here is my DZone article on VDF / deployers:
>> *
>> http://java.dzone.com/articles/jboss-microcontainer-virtual-deployment-framework
>> Which should give you a quick overview of things.
>> More details on (annotation) scanning can be found here:
>> * http://java.dzone.com/articles/jboss-microcontainer-scanning
> Thanks - this is helpful
> Sergey
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Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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