[jboss-dev] FilterOutputStream blunder

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Wed Jun 30 03:48:33 EDT 2010

On 06/29/2010 05:25 PM, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:
> Not sure if you guys are aware of this but pay attention if you are
> extending FilterOutputStream. One would expect FilterOutputStream
> implementation to filter all methods directly to some underlying
> stream. However, rather than filter byte array writes directly to the
> underlying stream FilterOutputStream modifies the expected behaviour
> to write individual bytes instead.

Well, yes but to be fair the javadoc for FilterOutputStream.write(byte, 
int, int) includes the following caveat which documents the behaviour 
and explains the simple fix that is required:

      * Note that this method does not call the <code>write</code> method
      * of its underlying input stream with the same arguments. Subclasses
      * of <code>FilterOutputStream</code> should provide a more efficient
      * implementation of this method.


Andrew Dinn

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