[jboss-dev] M4 Timeline / Component Updates

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Thu May 13 08:48:35 EDT 2010

Hi Everyone,

First, off, I would like to, once again, thank everyone for the hard 
work in getting M3 out the door!

The next AS milestone should continue the focus of EE6 features, and the 
big ones remaining appear to be some outstanding ejb 3.1 capabilities 
(async + timer), as well as completing the new EE6 namespace support.

Ideally, it would be nice to shorten the schedule of this milestone such 
that it could be available in time for JUDCon/JBW. So tentatively we 
should shoot for a code freeze of June 14th (only one month away!)

Let me know if you have any component updates you would like to 
schedule, however, please keep in mind that their will be a short 
window, and so any changes *must* be regression free.


Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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