[jboss-dev] Public IP address used by JBoss AS

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Wed May 26 11:48:38 EDT 2010

On 05/26/2010 09:52 AM, Andrew Lee Rubinger wrote:
> Comments inline.
> On 05/26/2010 09:03 AM, Brian Stansberry wrote:


>>> My current take on this is if we did it for AS 6 we'd implement it in
>>> the org.jboss.Main class.[1] Basically we'd alter the command line
>>> processing for -b, -Djboss.bind.address and -Djgroups.bind_addr to
>>> detect the above aliases and replace with the appropriate value.
> Main should really be pared down as slim as possible; putting this logic
> there means it'll be available only in AS standalone.

Hehe, I had a feeling you'd say that!

> Inside of jboss-boostrap we have the notion of "configuration
> initialization".  This is commonly-used for things like determining the
> true bindAddress given an env variable, sysprop, object model.  There's
> an order of preference used in resolution.
> Similarly looks like we just need to resolve these new "placeholders" to
> appropriate true values.  How exactly does this process work (ie, what's
> the logic to know PUBLIC is x.x.x.x, what context do we need to do this)?

Bela implemented this for JGroups (JGRP-1204). Bela if this is 
encapsulated in a couple classes, can you provide ALR some links? Best 
via http://javagroups.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/javagroups/JGroups/ as 
I doubt he wants to check out JGroups from cvs.

> At fist glance looks like [1] could be the place for this.
> And yes, object model should be the configuration API as much as
> possible looking forward.  The system property stuff is maintained for
> back-compat's sake, and jboss-bootstrap-impl-as keeps these in sync.
> S,
> [1]
> http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/bootstrap/trunk/impl-as/src/main/java/org/jboss/bootstrap/impl/as/config/JBossASConfigurationInitializerImpl.java
> @ initialize()

Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss by Red Hat

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